The price of marijuana has fallen since I was a teenager

The smell of the salt water is nice and catching sight of a whale is a sign of good luck

When I was a teenager living in California, the prices to buy marijuana were exceptionally high. It wasn’t legal medically or recreationally back then, but it was easy to find marijuana almost anywhere. When my friends and I went to the skate park, we always had access to pot. I left California when I was in my twenties and I didn’t return until a few years ago. The price of recreational marijuana is certainly much cheaper than the pot I was accessing in my teen years. It is also much more potent. I moved to the bay area near San Francisco. I live right outside of the city. I can access all of the wonderful nightlife that San Francisco offers without much of the crowds and traffic. I work for a packaging and shipping company right outside of San Francisco. It’s much cheaper to live close to work, but I do enjoy going to the city to visit the zoo or the park or the bay bridge. All of these places are great for spending the day and walking. San Francisco has even more things to do than when I was a kid. I love spending the day on the water. The smell of the salt water is nice and catching sight of a whale is a sign of good luck. There are 100’s of fine dining restaurants, deli’s, pubs, and bars around the area and many different delicious cuisines to try. Chinatown has the best pork dumplings and calamari. I rarely get to go to Chinatown, but no trip is complete without trying the pork dumplings.

Marijuana San Fransisco CA