When my wifey commanded us to sell our beach house in NC to transfer to CA, I thought she was having a midlife crisis at first… I felt like the suggestion came from left field and I was surprised to say the very least.
I came up with plenty of reasons why I thought it was a terrible idea.
I did not particularly want to transfer away from my Dad and dad who were right up the road from our current condo, and our oldest kid was just graduating from school… but my wifey is a smart cookie and she did research to make myself and others assume intrigued by the plan of moving to CA, she wanted to rapidly transfer to San Francisco and she already had a task offer to relocate. She had acquired for the supplier to pay for the transfer if she agreed to accept the position and transfer our family to San Francisco. I was totally overwhelmed by the information and I felt like all of these things were moving genuinely quickly… The only thing that made myself and others finally get more at ease was the legal recreational marijuana laws in San Francisco, CA. I looked for a while online and there were at least a dozen strange cannabis shops within a few miles of our city in Nob Hill, as soon as every one of us landed safely in CA, I eased my anxiety and daily stress with a big fat marijuana joint. The dispensary even gave myself and others a massive discount since it was my first time, however living in San Francisco has its ups and downs… plus so many locations to explore.