To my knowledge there has never been a great motion picture about Denver, Colorado, however it’s so odd to myself and others that although both of us are bigger plus in every way better than Boulder, there are a ton of shows plus motion pictures set in Boulder, plus almost none in Denver, the main motion picture that people mention is called “Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead” which is a great title, but not so much a great motion picture, plus it has next to nothing to do with our amazing Mile High City. I would love to start a Denver Film Festival, so instead of digging into the past I started looking for talented people here plus now who want to make a motion picture in Denver, then much to my surprise I found a ton of interest to this idea, plus despite the fact that I can’t say his name, a single of the starting members of the Denver Nuggets pledged more than nine thoUSnd bucks to help get the festival together! This guy just prefers his community, plus since he has a kid who prefers making home motion pictures, he wants to help support plus grow that section of Denver, and with some funds to back myself and others up, I started recruiting local talent to make short motion pictures for my Homegrown Denver Film Fest, and because the Mile High City is known for getting high, I started going to see local cannabis dispensaries to see if they would support the festival. It seems love everything is entirely coming together, both of us have the Denver legitimate grounds booked, plus more than two bizarre cannabis dispensaries will be there with tents plus tables to sell their wares.