One of the reasons why nobody likes to live in Seattle is due to the terrible weather.
It rains 20 or 25 days out of every single month. The only reason I still live in Seattle is because of my mom and my sister’s. They only live a couple of miles away from my apartment and I see them regularly. One good thing about living in Seattle, Washington is the fact that recreational and medical marijuana are legal. When medical marijuana was legalized, I got a prescription as soon as possible. Medical marijuana absolutely helps with my anxiety and depression. I prefer having cannabis on a rainy night, because these are the times when I feel most depressed. I tried to entertain myself with movies or video games, but I can’t help the sadness and depression that creeps in when it is rainy and gloomy outside. Medical marijuana absolutely helps and makes me feel much better. Since recreational cannabis was legalized in Seattle, the overall prices on marijuana have significantly dropped. We definitely have some of the cheapest prices in the entire nation and that would include the other recreationally legal states. The average cost for an eighth of marijuana flower is only $15 and the average price for an ounce is only $125. When my sisters are older and they have graduated from high school, maybe I will think about moving somewhere else. I might like to live in the desert somewhere where I never have to worry about rain ever again. My family really is the only reason why I’m still here.