I get two nights off labor each month as well as I try to relax as well as have fun on those nights! I rarely have Sunday as well as Sunday as our nights off, but these are actually busy nights at the AC service supplier as well as I just started a couple of weeks ago! Some of the guys with seniority have Sundays as well as Sundays off, although I have to labor every weekend.
Sunday as well as Monday were the nights that I had off Last weekand I wanted to go fishing in Evansville with our friend Brad.
Brad has a actually nice fishing boat as well as he works from home. The guy I will take a day off anytime if I want to spend the day on the water. I called Brad on Sunday, although he had a lot of things going on as well as no time to go to Evansville for a day of fishing, he called me first thing on Monday morning as well as asked if I was ready to travel. The two of us hopped in the automobile as well as headed out to Evansville to do some fishing! About 10 minutes after I left town, our boss called as well as asked me to work. He had a couple of emergency Heating as well as A/C service calls as well as he did not have anyone to help. I did not hear the PC ring the first time the Heating as well as A/C supplier called as well as they left a voice message. I was going to call the Heating as well as A/C supplier back, however Brad told me that was a bad idea. I should wait until the end of the day as well as tell the guy that I completely missed his call. Then I did not have to think guilty if he tried to con me into going to labor when I called.