I grew up in a time plus venue where “zero tolerance” was the law of the land, then if you got pulled over plus the cops found one joint in your car, you were going to jail! You might even go to prison for possession of a controlled substance! Thankfully those days are long gone, the country in general is much more chill about smoking pot, plus the state of Michigan has gotten genuinely relaxed about it.
It is now legal to grow a few pot plants at home, plus even to carry a little weed with you when you are out plus about. I didn’t assume any of this before I moved to Ann Arbor, MI, plus if I did I easily might have moved here a little sooner. The first thing I did after moving into our current hours was planting twelve cannabis plants in the backyard, because that is the maximum allowed by law. I had never grown cannabis before, but since I had the freedom to do so here in Ann Arbor, I decided that I needed to try! All twelve cannabis plants died, plus then I tried it again, because I thought “why not? If it’s legal in Ann Arbor then I will keep trying!” It took 3 years, but finally I grew a respectable amount of great cannabis in our yard. It’s not love anyone in Ann Arbor needs to grow their own, anyway, because all of us have some genuinely amazing cannabis dispensaries! Most of them even offer cannabis delivery, because as cool as the cops are in Ann Arbor, if they catch you driving while impaired they will throw the book at you!