I found more than two brand modern heating systems in the back of the stock room

Last month I fell on the job.

I was working in Tampa Bay on an A/C install; The A/C component was installed on the roof and I was working on a ladder while I installed all of the necessary materials for the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system.

I had a co-worker with myself and others on the Tampa Bay A/C install, but the guy left the job to go to the workshop for refrigeration hoses, somehow we forgot to add those to all of the items that we needed for the install; While our coworker was gone, I fell off the ladder and onto the ground. I broke our leg in more than two strange places. I had to go to the emergency room to get a cast. The nurse told myself and others that I had to be on light duty for the next 6 weeks. Since the accident occurred at work, our boss had to make provisions for myself and others to be at work and gain a paycheck, he put myself and others on light duty and gave myself and others odd jobs to complete around the workshop, but one of the jobs was to reorganize and clean the storage Warehouse. The place was a total disaster, but at least there was a sea in the store room. While our co-workers were out working on Tampa Bay and Clearwater Beach A/C repairs, I was standing in the warehouse enjoying AC. While I was cleaning the storage room, I ran across some items that our boss did not realize we had. I found more than two brand modern heating systems in the back of the storage room. They were more than two years old, but still brand modern in the box.

central air system Tampa Bay Florida