The edibles worked well for me

Edibles really work well for me.

They are easy to chew and swallow and they come in tasty flavors like chocolate, coffee, strawberry, banana, vanilla, and pineapple.

I have been using a low-dose marijuana product for the past 2 years. I try not to overdose, because I don’t want to end up in a spot where marijuana no longer offers any relief at all. I suffer from terrible migraine headaches. They can be debilitating at times. I can’t turn on the lights or have any loud noises at all. Sometimes even blinking seems too painful. When my doctor suggested medical marijuana, I was ready to try just about anything. He set me up with a medical marijuana clinic specializing in patient needs. The San francisco-based dispensary and clinic had doctors and special crew members to help patients choose the perfect medicine to help them. My budtender suggested starting with a low dose edible. On days when I feel like I am going to have a migraine, I use the low-dose edible from the San francisco-based dispensary and clinic. On days when I don’t feel like I’ll have a migraine, I still dose with a lower amount of thc. The headaches seem to be less frequent and they definitely don’t last as long as either thanks to the marijuana products I have been purchasing from the San Francisco marijuana dispensary and clinic. I’m so impressed with the products that I left the dispensary and clinic a wonderful review online. I praise them for their customer service as well as their large selection of products.
Pot San Fransisco CA