It’s substantial to have air conditioned attractions in Tampa

This is a sure way to keep cool during the Summer weeks, plus, the skating rink is inside of a mall that also has A/C

I live in the Tampa Bay area & during the Summer weeks, when the temperature hits 90 degrees or more with high levels of humidity, it can be painful to do things outdoors; And while the beach can provide some relief, it’s not typically the best opening especially when the temperature rises into the upper 90s… Not to mention the sun & how tepid it can be, at times, even the sand can be unbearable… The beach is fantastic in the days & later in the night when the temperature is a bit cooler… But during the middle of the day when the sun is the hottest, I try to avoid the beach as much as I can, however so, I am typically on the hunt for air conditioned indoor attractions during the warmer weeks, luckily, there are plenty in Tampa to choose from & all of us even have a year-round indoor skating rink only 30 minutes away. This is a sure way to keep cool during the Summer weeks, plus, the skating rink is inside of a mall that also has A/C. Besides ice skating during the Summer weeks, I also love going bowling, then of course, bowling alleys are typically air conditioned & they are family-friendly, & are fantastic places to beat the heat for a few hours, it is so substantial to have climate controlled attractions when living in a tropical neighborhood care about Tampa. Not only do they provide relief from the heat during the Summer weeks, but they are also fun activities that are fantastic for the entire family.
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