My podcast is called the Wild and Wonderful World of Cannabis, but i have been doing it for about more than two years now, on a part-time basis, however one of these afternoons I will attract a giant corporate sponsor and be able to do it as a real task! Until then, I chase it as one of my many passions.
I love to travel and I love to get high, so why not combine the two and turn it into a form of entertainment? I started writing some blog posts to go along with my many excursions, then basically I travel to a locale well regarded for its locally grown cannabis, and I tour the section while sampling their locally grown marijuana! My latest episode is about the wonderful town of Albuquerque, NM.
I am sure that you’ve seen Albuquerque on television quite a bit over the last few years, because many major TV shows are filmed here. One look at the skyline of the endless desert and I understood why producers love Albuquerque so much, because the night sky looks savor a classical painting. I did not visit Albuquerque for the vistas, however, I came here to check out the world-famous cannabis they have become known for. It’s funny to me, because on TV Albuquerque is closely associated with crystal meth, however in reality the town is much more cannabis-friendly than anything else. I visited each of the many different cannabis dispensaries in Albuquerque, and found that most of them were top of the line. I suppose I have to come back for a hour episode in order to process it all.