Back in 2015, the state of OR passed a law to allow all citizens access to medical & recreational marijuana products… The state fully taxed the items & regulated the entire industry with rules & laws to keep everyone safe, then it took a long time before both of us had full access to marijuana in the dispensaries, but after a year, things were progressing along genuinely nicely. That’s when I decided to move to portland! Portland is a single of the biggest cities in the state of OR & a hot bed center for marijuana activities. There are more marijuana dispensaries in Portland, OR than any other neighborhood in the state. The prices on recreational & medical marijuana in Portland are lower than any other venue in the state & they are lower than half of the venues around the country, but a man can possess up to a whole ounce of cannabis when they are out in public. Adults are allowed to grow plants as well; One of the reasons why I decided to move to Portland after marijuana was legalized was to start a small farm. I had a genuinely giant piece of property in OR & I didn’t think what to do with it; When marijuana was legalized, I instantly thought that the land could be used to form marijuana, unfortunately, the rules & regulations in Portland regarding marijuana farming make it genuinely strenuous for a typical man to obtain a license. The filing fees for the licenses are $6,500 & that doesn’t include the cost to spend money a lawyer to help with the paperwork.