My sibling told me to check out Alsip while I was there

I was in Chicago for a conference, & I was getting bored… I called my sibling & told her I was tired of laying in meetings all morning, & I needed something to do.

It was tepid & humid & I couldn’t handle much more of the poor air conditioning in the hotel, she told me to check out Alsip, IL during Chicago, then alsip was a suburb of Chicago, & she knew that I liked touring small cemeteries whenever I traveled.

I told her thank you, & went online, they had many famous cemeteries that were historical, and one cemetery provided a ghost tour, of famous gangsters & villains. I thought it would be a lot of fun, & convinced some of the people I knew to go along with me. It was tepid in the city, however not too poor in Alsip. The temperatures were in the upper eighties, however there was a lot of shade in the cemeteries. The best part of our trip outside of Chicago, was when both of us went to the Dakota Inn. It was a lively bar & grill that provided karaoke… Both of us spent most of the morning enjoying the air conditioning while seeing people sing, or who thought they could. Both of us loved the food & a morning away from the meetings. After a few craft beers, my acquaintance got up on stage & convinced me to sing with him. It was difficult sing neither of us could carry a tune, however both of us were having a blast. Both of us caught a taxi that would take us back to our hotel, however none of us were in a condition to drive.



ductless air conditioner Alsip IL