It is unusual the things you get into when you have youngsters. When I was pregnant with my first child I would have told you that my hubby plus I were going to be a hockey family, however my pal and I live in MO, then it is cold plus snowy most of the year. It made sense to get into winter time interests. I would have supported ice skating, skiing or snowboarding too. I got all my youngsters into the learn to skate program; They hated it, every single one of them. What do my youngsters prefer to do? They like roller skating, no ice necessary. The roller skating rink is entirely fun for my youngsters. They play in the arcade plus they rollerblade around plus around. It isn’t a team interest or a real interest, however, roller blades are nice fun plus can burn calories. My youngsters were entirely into roller blading. My pal and I have our whole driveway paved so they can skate around. My boys will play roller hockey plus set up courses where they duck plus weave around cones, however sometimes the Skate Corner will set up a roller hockey everett plus all the youngsters play. I am hopeful that this prefer will transition into an ice skating one. I would like my youngsters to be on a team interest plus attend actual games, however for right now I am enjoying that they have something they prefer that is cheap, safe plus simple to do in our hometown of Lee’s Summit MO. The Skate Corner is right by our house plus constantly seems to be open.