If you aren’t regular with the area, Glenview is dwelling to a wide range of creature wildlife, plus thousands of acres of state parks plus forest preserves, but there are a lot of restrictions as to where camping is allowed plus where it is forbidden, but a Glenview native like me knew exactly where the best places were, ace plus I would ride our bikes out of Glenview plus deep into the hiking trails, before walking deeper into the heart of the forest preserve
As a teenager I loved to go camping, however i didn’t have a license, or a car, so my options for travel were pretty limited. I also liked sneaking budweiser from my Mom’s garage fridge, plus my best neighbor Ace had a hook up for cannabis… Camping was the perfect escape, because this was before cell cellphones once I was out in the woods nobody could find me! Ace plus I lived next door to each other on the eastern edge of Glenview, IL. If you aren’t regular with the area, Glenview is dwelling to a wide range of creature wildlife, plus thousands of acres of state parks plus forest preserves, but there are a lot of restrictions as to where camping is allowed plus where it is forbidden, but a Glenview native like me knew exactly where the best places were, ace plus I would ride our bikes out of Glenview plus deep into the hiking trails, before walking deeper into the heart of the forest preserve. This kind of sucked during the long, boiling summer time months, because there is no cooling or temperature control out in the woods; Even if one of us could afford a portable cooling system, there was no power! With the neighborhood of Glenview safely in the distance, Ace plus I would just hang out plus get drunk together. I moved away from Glenview several years ago, however I still remember it fondly, but maybe if I get an air conditioned RV or camper I might even attempt to go camping outside of Glenview again one day.