My sister and I went to Albuquerque to visit our parents.
We grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but both of us moved out after we went to college.
My sister went to college up north at a private school and I went to college in Phoenix, not far from home. Both of us decided to go and visit our parents for their 20-year anniversary. My sister and I spent a week in Albuquerque. While we were there, we visited some of the cool and interesting places. Albuquerque is known for having a great amount of things to do. It has a rich culture and lots of shops, museums, restaurants, and bars. After the week was up, my sister and I went to the airport together. Our flights were going to separate destinations, but we both left the airport around the same time. My flight was delayed by 3 hours, but my sister’s flight was on time. I was bored when I had to sit around for 3 hours. I went outside to get some fresh air and there was a person smoking marijuana outside. The person smoking marijuana asked if I wanted to smoke some. I was already feeling nervous and anxious about the delayed flight, so I didn’t think it would hurt to smoke some marijuana. I took a couple of hits from the joint and went back into the airport quickly. About 20 minutes after I smoked some marijuana, I started to feel very relaxed and carefree. The 3-hour wait went by quickly when I was high as a kite.