When I first moved to Lee’s Summit, it was because of an online love interest.
Stop me if you’ve heard this story before! It wasn’t a catfish, because Ella was a real person.
Let’s just say that the online version of Ella was much more fun and charming than the real-life version. I moved to Lee’s Summit to be with her, and we had broken up within 1 month. I am sure that I should have learned a lesson from all of this, but everything worked out for the best after all. While Ella is in my past, Lee’s Summit is my present and my future. I guessI owe Ella a debt of gratitude, because without her I never would have come to Lee’s Summit and found a great job in the local HVAC community. What I didn’t know about this place before moving here is that for over 150 years Lee’s Summit has gotten bigger every year. There was never a time when people starting to leave Lee’s Summit, it only expanded, and it still shows no sign of slowing down. For an HVAC tech, or anyone involved in the construction industry, this is a great sign of stability. In other words, I knew I could make a lot of money and do a lot of jobs in Lee’s Summit, and never have to worry about where my next paycheck was coming from. I can always find a new girlfriend, but finding a great career track in the HVAC industry is a lot more rare. I think I’m going to love it here in Lee’s Summit.