My fiance plus I own a successful heating plus A/C repair supplier in Jacksonville, Florida, then the main headquarters for the supplier is downtown by the hospital, although I also have a small secondary shop by the beaches, but i keep device plus supplies at both of the shops so the men plus gals do not have to ride all over the town when they need small parts plus equipment. It can take nearly an hour to drive from one side of Jacksonville to the other. The town plus the county are easily costly plus cover more square footage than any other town in the country. The heating plus A/C repair supplier often services commercial purchasers like restaurants, dry cleaners, root beer shops, plus hotels, last weekend, one of the hotel dealers that is a respected called to schedule a large service. Normally the hotel only calls us when there are concerns that need to be addressed that cannot be fixed by the in-condo Heating, Ventilation and A/C worker. The Heating, Ventilation and A/C worker that works at the hotel is not NATE certified plus has easily little experience when it comes to some of the more complex concerns. I expected a large issue when the hotel called, but they want us to maintenance every single one of the wall units. There are 115 total hotel rooms with wall Heating, Ventilation and A/C units at the Jacksonville hotel; My associate and I will also be servicing the bedroom, office, plus front desk section at the same time. The commercial heating plus A/C maintenance contract will keep numerous maintenance workers busy for an entire week.