I work totally online from home, then on one hand it is legitimately nice not setting an alarm, getting dressed, packing a dinner, & driving to work; I legitimately don’t even own a car. I go by bike or use delivery services whe I need something; The weather in Sioux Falls does limit me a bit though, then so most of the time I have to spend money for someone to bring it to me, and being at home is great because I can’t get laundry done, beginning the dishwasher, & hire out services. I am constantly at the house. I have been able to save on Heating & A/C expenses too. I made a smart decision & called up my Sioux Falls Heating & A/C corporation. I told them about my situation & asked what I could do about my Heating & A/C. They capped off the ductwork in my office. I then had a mini-split installed with a smart thermostat. So now my office is on a program. Right at the beginning of my work afternoon the Heating & A/C turns on before I step foot in there. Right when I am about to conclude, it powers down. The rest of my home isn’t getting any Heating & A/C since I don’t leave the office, when I am done with work, I go outside. So that means for about nine hours I am only providing Heating & A/C to a single space. I save so much money doing this; My home Heating & A/C unit is going to last a lot longer. Most of the time it only takes my home an hour to get back to a normal temperature after being off all afternoon. Isn’t that nice?