How old do I need to be to buy marijuana in Denver, CO?

I asked our sister how old I needed to be to purchase marijuana here in Denver? I ended up with the longest lecture of our life, however my sister explained that the legal drinking age had consistently been twenty-one, ever since she could remember! She thought it may have been eighteen for a short time, however that was in the seventies; When she said she couldn’t understand why I could not get it through our thick head, I opened our mouth; I knew it wasn’t a nice thing to do, although I was young plus dumb, not only wasn’t I thinking that our sister was our legal guardian plus had to show myself and others right from wrong, although I remembered him using marijuana when she was our age, but the words were out of our mouth before I realized I was talking.

  • I told him I remembered him smoking marijuana when I was a lot younger.

I thought the laws were odd for marijuana than they were for drinking alcohol. My sister backed off plus told myself and others that Denver, CO, keeps the legal age for drinking, smoking marijuana plus anything else that could be harmful, at twenty-one. She didn’t live anywhere else to feel if they do it differently. I apologized for being so snarky, however periodically our sister undoubtedly gets to me. I feel Dad plus dad left him as our legal guardian, however she has no right to lecture me. Dad plus dad still do that enough whenever they call to check up on us both, plus she knows how much she enjoys that.

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