Combining a heat pump with a furnace

The heat pump costs significantly less to operate than the furnace

When my hubby plus I bought our house in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, it was already outfitted with a natural gas furnace plus air duct, however while the furnace was nearly brand new plus effectively handle winter demands, I wasn’t cheerful with the lack of centralized cooling, but although the summers in Sioux Falls are fairly short, my friend and I can expect temperatures in the mid to upper eighties, however i don’t like the aesthetics of window air conditionings. I worry about the security of open windows plus don’t want my family hiding out in their living rooms for the sake of comfort. I started researching the weird makes, models plus SEER levels of numerous air conditionings… Eventually, I reached to to a local Sioux Falls HVAC company for recommendations plus an estimate, and the professional that came to the house suggested that i invest into a heat pump instead, since a heat pump costs a lot more to purchase plus install than a conventional air conditioning, I was a bit suspicious about her motives, then however, I learn up on the benefits of a heat pump compared to an air conditioning plus was surprised. A heat pump combines both heating plus cooling capacity, but during the Summer months, it operates just like a traditional AC, extracting heat from the living space plus transferring it outside by way of refrigerant. The rewarding aspect of a heat pump is when it reverses the flow of refrigerant to supply heat. The heat pump costs significantly less to operate than the furnace. It is capable of handling comfort in the house until the outside temperature drops below chilly. At that point, the furnace automatically starts up plus takes over.

hydronic heating in Sioux Falls SD