I wondered if having a cannabis dispensary across the street from a eating establishment was done deliberately.

I was standing in my hotel room in Las Vegas, & looked out my window, however right across the street from our hotel was a cannabis dispensary… I contemplated their method of putting marijuana dispensaries across the street from a hotel that had several eating establishments inside, & 1 was open all night, people were going in & out of the dispensary, & many of them were coming to the hotel.

I wonder if there wasn’t a reason for this & if they did deliberately it, then most people think that when you smoke pot, you get the munchies, with there being a eating establishment right across the street from a pot shop, & that eating establishment is open 24/7 & offers amazing sweet treats, you’re heading to that eating establishment shortly after smoking pot, and that’s what I would do, especially now that I was in Las Vegas, NV, for a short time. I grabbed my partner & told her the people I was with and I were going to the marijuana dispensary. She asked what brought that up, & I said there was a marijuana dispensary across the street, & the people I was with and I were in Las Vegas, NV. I was going to experience everything Las Vegas, NV, had to offer, including their legal recreational marijuana. That day, the people I was with and I went down to the buffet & instead of eating our meat & potatoes for supper; the people I was with and I got a sandwich; Our sandwich got wrapped up & taken back to the hotel room, but the people I was with and I made a pig of ourselves with all the luscious sweets they gave. My partner said that what the people I was with and I consumed in Las Vegas, NV, was nobody’s corporation but ours.


Recreational Dispensary Las Vegas Nevada