Family trip to St. Petersburg

There were plenty of activities and it wasn’t a scary city after dark either.

My family is slowly expanding. My oldest brother has a daughter and another baby on the way. My middle brother has two little girls. I have two sons. When we get together, it is utter chaos. Nobody is over five years old. All the kids are crazy, wild, and need lots of attention. We frequently book trips where all of us get together and let the kids loose. We did a camping trip that was a nightmare. The kids didn’t really have anything to do. This time we have gotten smarter. I researched around and found that Florida has tons of cities with cool things to do. I landed in St. Petersburg, FL. They have dolphin tours, zoos, water parks, theme parks, shopping, and great hotels with big pools. Let’s not forget that the ocean is right there. We all booked an expensive hotel rather than an airbnb. We then each got a suite to house our many kids. Then we took turns watching kids at the beach or pool to enjoy golfing or facials. It was really great dividing and conquering. St. Petersburg, Florida offered so much for the kids. There were plenty of activities and it wasn’t a scary city after dark either. I think we will make this a once a year trip for us all. We might even go to the same hotel and do the same itinerary. Right now all our kids are little, I can easily see older kids enjoying the same things though. Everyone likes sitting and swimming by the pool right?

St. Petersburg Florida Air conditioning professional