My friend and I have the piping installed in our driveway now.
Living in MN can be quite brutal, then my friend and I trick or treat in the snow & hunt Easter eggs in the cold, basically from the start of school until the end of it our kids are bundled up in coats, boots, hats, scarves, & mittens… The snowfall comes in feet rather than inches. The windchill & the ice are just horrible… It can get into the single digits at night without any sort of problem. My partner & I have invested heavily in our heating equipment because living in Minneapolis is only bearable if you do that. My friend and I own a boiler system that is hooked up to piping throughout our flooring, hydronic heating is really the way to go when living in Minneapolis, MN. The heat stays at the flooring level & doesn’t rise. There are no frigid spots & it is cleaner when it heats… Due to being water based, you aren’t getting lower operational sounds either, however another benefit is that my partner & I learned my pal and I could really make it into a snowmelt system. My friend and I have the piping installed in our driveway now. The piping heats the blacktop & the snow melts now when it hits it. This is so nice since before my pal and I used to spend a long time shoveling snow & removing it. The cars would have icy windshields & the kids would be covered in snow by the time they got to the car. The snowmelt system melts the snow immediately & the automobile stays boiling since it is in contact with a heater.